Stone Insights

This is a space dedicated to all those who are considering the use of natural stone for construction, furniture and design. We strive to ensure that you will always find valuable information, inspiration and technical insights into the materials and processes we carry out daily in our laboratories. 

Explore our blog, read our articles and be inspired by the endless possibilities of natural stone. Write to us if you are interested in a specific topic, and we will make sure to give you more information. In the meantime, happy reading!

When it comes to materials for architecture and design, sustainability is an increasingly central issue. But are we sure we know which materials really have the least environmental impact?

During Marmomac 2024, engineer Claudia Chiappino presented a study commissioned by PNA Pietra Naturale Autentica, based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), comparing natural stone and other materials such as ceramics. The result? Natural stone slabs have a significantly lower environmental footprint than ceramic slabs. A figure that debunks many clichés and shows how the visual impact of quarries is only a perception, while the real environmental burden lies elsewhere.

In the world of architecture and interior design, the choice of materials plays a crucial role in the realisation of projects that last over time and reflect a sense of authenticity and beauty. Of all the available options, natural stone is one of the oldest and most valuable materials, capable of lending elegance, robustness and a unique imprint to the space in which it is laid. However, despite its intrinsic qualities, there is still much uncertainty and confusion about its application and transformation processes that make it suitable for different types of use. With this guide we want to reassure you: the perfect stone for your project exists. Follow our advice. 

Natural stones are so called because they are present in nature, they are the result of millennia-long transformations that we today, thanks to technology, are able to transform and utilise. Architects, designers and property owners who choose natural stones for their furniture and cladding, choose to bring geological treasures rich in history and intrinsic beauty into their spaces.

But how do these stones get from underground deposits to our homes and buildings?

Imagine being able to touch the Earth's millennial history simply by walking on a marble floor or conversing at a granite table. The rocks we use in architecture and design are materials resulting from extraordinary geological processes that date back millions of years. So how are these natural stones formed?

The names of rocks can tell fascinating stories, partly reflecting their physical characteristics, but above all expressing their geological and historical origins. Knowing the names of rocks is not just a matter of terminology, it is a journey that allows us to better understand the natural world and appreciate the beauty and variety of stones that can be used in interior design and architecture projects.

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